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virgo Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Virgo Horoscope

Thu, 13th March 2025
Cainer Horoscopes

Copernicus' theory that the Earth went around the Sun got Galileo very excited. The problem was that neither of them could explain the irregularities in the planet's movement. Its trajectory wasn't perfectly circular; which was confusing. But neither the cosmos, nor life here on Earth, conforms to our idea of perfection. And Galileo's work proved that his predecessor's ideas were correct. The Lunar Eclipse brings the insight to see that something in your world (which isn't how you want it to be) has a magic of its own. The cosmos is preparing to gift us with a celestial event of profound significance - a 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, taking place on Friday, March 14th, at 23 degrees 56' Virgo. (50% Discount and more...)









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Virgo - Your Weekly Horoscope: There are well over eight billion of us inhabiting this ball of rock. That's a huge number of people. There's no way you'll ever get around to meeting all of them. One good thing about being one person amidst so many is that there's never a shortage of people to blame when things go wrong! Someone should always have known better. With the Lunar Eclipse taking place in your sign, if you courageously hold up your hand and take responsibility for a mistake, you'll realise what a great place you're in, and easily get back on track. Join the 5 Star Service for ad free forecasts, massive discounts, audio and video

Virgo - Your March Monthly Horoscope: You're a natural problem-solver. When there's a crisis, you're a good person to have around. Your perceptivity is a skill that others value. The problem is that being the person who sorts everything out gets exhausting. This month, with your ruler turning retrograde, it's worth checking to see if you're overcomplicating a situation. By taking the (difficult) decision to step back, you'll be able to assess it from a wider perspective. You'll save your time and your energy. And when you share your insight, you'll gain recognition and respect. Join the 5 Star Service and chat with Disy about your own unique birth chart

Virgo - Yesterday's Forecast:
As we move closer to the Lunar Eclipse, which is in your sign, it's a chance to bring good fortune into your world. Yay! How are you going to do this? By choosing to focus your energy on what's most likely to bring you luck. This could involve pausing, and taking a logical look at what will improve your chances of success. Or chatting with your celestial helper. It's up to you. Why not do both?! Cosmic assistance is on hand. But to take maximum advantage of it, you need to think about the smartest move you can make... and action it. Unexpected revelations may arrive like uninvited guests, bringing gifts disguised as disruptions. This 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse is changing something within you - turning outdated patterns into renewed purpose. Learn more about the upcoming Blood Moon' Eclipse. (50% Discount and more...)

Virgo - Tue Mar 11, 2025:
Some people see everything in extremes; they view them as black or white/ right or wrong. In some ways this kind of attitude makes life simpler. So, we can either envy the superficial peace of mind which results from having such a narrow-minded attitude. Or pity their limited outlook and approach to life. The truth, is that there are a many different ways of looking at any situation; and searching for less obvious ways is satisfying. In the approach to the Lunar Eclipse, keep asking questions. What you discover will be of great benefit. Join the 5 Star Service for ad free forecasts, massive discounts, audio and video

Virgo - Mon Mar 10, 2025:
Suppose your worst-case scenario came true? Imagine if all the people you find difficult/challenging decided to get together to undermine your plans? Scary, right?! Not a situation you want to be in. But if you managed to stay positive and use your integrity, their tactics wouldn't work. The coming Lunar Eclipse reminds you that you're more than able to deal with any problem you're anticipating. Here comes evidence that you're on the right track. If you look for the best in the people around you, they'll offer support. The cosmos is preparing to gift us with a celestial event of profound significance - a 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, taking place on Friday, March 14th, at 23 degrees 56' Virgo. (50% Discount and more...)

Virgo - Sun Mar 09, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: When you're heading off on a new path, you like having an idea of what you're letting yourself in for. Obviously. Yet, obviously too, it's impossible to anticipate everything that lies ahead. And fear of the unknown can be paralysing. What you need, is the confidence to take the next big step. You're in luck; the Lunar Eclipse, in your sign, is coming to give you the motivation you need. Even if you haven't got all bases covered, make a start. The cosmos is firmly on your side. What feels like a risk is a certainty in disguise. Go for it! Join the 5 Star Service for ad free forecasts, massive discounts, audio and video

Virgo - Sat Mar 08, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: There are well over eight billion of us inhabiting this ball of rock. That's a huge number of people. There's no way you'll ever get around to meeting all of them. One good thing about being one person amidst so many is that there's never a shortage of people to blame when things go wrong! Someone should always have known better. With the Lunar Eclipse taking place in your sign, if you courageously hold up your hand and take responsibility for a mistake, you'll realise what a great place you're in, and easily get back on track. This 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse is changing something within you - turning outdated patterns into renewed purpose. Learn more about the upcoming Blood Moon' Eclipse. (50% Discount and more...)

Virgo - Fri Mar 07, 2025:
If you need to screw something into place, you're going to need a screwdriver. Even the best hammer in the world won't do the job. And if you try to improvise with one, you risk making a big mess. Your ability to think outside the box, which is a huge asset, can be skillfully implemented this weekend. But with your ruler, Mercury, in fiery Aries, make sure you base any decisions on what's most appropriate (rather than what's most convenient). If you're thoughtful, you can find a simple solution to an annoying problem. Join the 5 Star Service for ad free forecasts, massive discounts, audio and video

Virgo: - Thu Mar 06, 2025:
You made a decision a while ago, and are starting to realise the implications. As with any choice, when we make it, we can never be sure what the consequences will be. You don't know with certainty where you're headed, but you're forming a clearer picture. Yet somehow, you seem to have more responsibility than you'd imagined. It's not too late to turn back... but you're intrigued about what lies ahead. Today brings evidence that even though you've had to make surprising commitments, you're on the right track. Keep going! The cosmos is preparing to gift us with a celestial event of profound significance - a 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, taking place on Friday, March 14th, at 23 degrees 56' Virgo. (50% Discount and more...)

Virgo - Wed Mar 05, 2025:
You know that feeling when someone asks you questions, seems to be interested but, from the way they respond, you realise they're not really paying attention? It doesn't feel good. It's patronising. Yet interestingly, we all exhibit this kind of behaviour; the difference, is that we do the same thing to ourselves. Are you taking your own thoughts and feelings seriously? Are you in danger of underestimating your understanding of a situation? Are you downplaying your intuition? Trust your instincts today. They're spot on. Join the 5 Star Service for ad free forecasts, massive discounts, audio and video

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