5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

gemini Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Gemini Horoscope

Mon, 9th September 2024
Oscar Cainer

"So I said, well why didn't you think about getting yellow sofa cushions... but then their neighbour came round asking them to feed the cat... and anyway, they were in the middle of dinner, so I didn't..." Oops. Sorry I was mid-conversation and forgot you were waiting for your forecast. Isn't it annoying when you're trying to talk to someone whose mind is focused on something else?! Today, with your ruler moving into its other celestial home, you'll find it much easier to be heard. Hooray. You've got something important to say.

There are powerful changes in store for you soon. What are they? How can you best prepare for them? Find out in a full horoscope birth-chart. It's full of amazing predictions about you and your future. Get yours now.









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New! Moon Signs 8th September

New Moon in Virgo

What it means to have Moon in...

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Gemini - Your Weekly Horoscope: Oh, the problems of the super-rich; constantly worrying about where to keep their money. Wondering if they've invested it wisely. Checking their homes' security systems. To the rest of us, these seem like enviable problems. But to them, they're real. Now imagine how someone looking at your situation might feel? You've got valuable assets. They might not involve finance, but you've got advantages you should feel grateful for. If there are complications this week, they involve a stress you should be glad to have.

Gemini - Your September Monthly Horoscope: With everything you've been dealing with, you don't want to spend time focusing on the past. You're ready to move on. Good. It's not that you're running away from anything - you're running towards a better future. And just because things haven't gone as well as you'd anticipated doesn't mean you don't have a lot to be proud of. September begins with proof that you handled a difficult situation with grace. Plus you'll get unexpected recognition for your efforts. This wave of positivity can carry you through the month with style.

Gemini - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We put kids under pressure to say the right thing. Like their 'pleases' and 'thank yous'. It takes a while for them to get the hang of it. They realise they're supposed to say 'something' but aren't sure what it is. And sometimes, they say the wrong thing! As grown-ups we can also get confused between remorse and gratitude. We feel bad about what we should be proud of. And pleased when we've done something 'wrong'! Check your emotional responses this week. With so much on offer, thank yous (not sorries) are in order.

Learn the hidden secrets of the planets and how they affect your life and shape your future. Start your journey of self-discovery here!

Gemini - Sat Sep 07, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Oh, the problems of the super-rich; constantly worrying about where to keep their money. Wondering if they've invested it wisely. Checking their homes' security systems. To the rest of us, these seem like enviable problems. But to them, they're real. Now imagine how someone looking at your situation might feel? You've got valuable assets. They might not involve finance, but you've got advantages you should feel grateful for. If there are complications this week, they involve a stress you should be glad to have.

Gemini - Fri Sep 06, 2024:
Happiness has a lot in common with rain. If there's a shortage of it, and you find yourself in sunny climes, the idea of a downpour seems unlikely. Yet when the skies open and you can't go out without getting soaked, the thought of finding yourself longing for a cloud burst seems implausible. Under this week's complex cosmic climate, moderation is unlikely to be part of your experience. The highs will be impressive and the lows... well, as long as you keep holding the umbrella of hope, you won't need to deal with any of those!

Do you know who you are? Are you sure? Deep within your full personal birth chart, there's a wealth of information about your true potential. Reveal your hidden talents. Find out what you could achieve if you were really to try. Set yourself free to be the person you were always meant to be. To learn more, click here.

Gemini - Thu Sep 05, 2024:
The presence of Mars in your sign, for so long, brought many benefits. But the power planet's presence also took its toll. You've been physically pushed to your limit. Although you achieved a lot, you put yourself through so much in the process that you're dealing with the after-effects of your effort. So here's some encouraging news. You're about to see signs that your hard work has paid off. Today's surprise development stems from a decision you made several weeks ago. You'll be able to see how good things are getting.

Gemini - Wed Sep 04, 2024:
You're managing to carry that weight on your shoulders with such skill, no one but you knows how heavy it is. Even if you sometimes complain, you don't really share your discomfort. You wouldn't want to burden anyone with tales of woe. Plus, you're so used to holding everything you're strong as a rock. But every so often you struggle; which is when the cracks start to show. As Mars changes sign it provides you with a cosmic repair kit. You can patch up an area of weakness, and stride forwards. You've got this.

There are powerful changes in store for you soon. What are they? How can you best prepare for them? Find out in a full horoscope birth-chart. It's full of amazing predictions about you and your future. Get yours now.

Gemini - Tue Sep 03, 2024:
Adversaries are always on the lookout for opportunities to undermine one another. They seek out faults (which they take pleasure in pointing out), and cast aspersions. When their 'opponent' does something positive, they find reasons to criticise. Obviously, this kind of relationship is negative. But when we treat ourselves this way, (which we sometimes do), it's almost like an act of self-harm. Don't allow your inner critic to get in the way today. You've got a decision to make. You've done the research. Don't undermine yourself.

Gemini: - Mon Sep 02, 2024:
Imagine life as an A-list celebrity. You head out to buy a coffee and a croissant, and the paparazzi are there. Your mobile rings, and they're in a frenzy trying to work out which other celeb you might be talking to. Is that the kind of attention you'd enjoy? Or would you hide yourself away to try to hold onto your privacy? It seems that an aspect of your world is coming under too much scrutiny. It's like you're under the spotlight, and having to be aware of what you say and do. But isn't there an element of enjoyment here too?

Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!

Gemini - Sun Sep 01, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Suppose you dislike the colour blue so much you want to turn the sky green? How frustrating. You're powerless to affect that change. Unless, of course, you purchase a pair of yellow-tinted glasses. They'd provide you with the right effect. But you'd save yourself a lot of trouble if you could just accept that the sky is blue, and learn to like it. This week, the New Moon highlights the good things going on in your world. If you appreciate what's unfolding, you'll find a lot to appreciate. And realise that what you haven't got, you don't need.

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