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Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

virgo Zodiac Sign

Virgo Horoscope

Wed, 23rd October 2024

When you're desperate for something to happen, but it's not happening, what are you supposed to think? Are the fates conspiring to prevent you from achieving what you want to achieve? Or have obstacles been carefully placed in your path so that you're obliged to take a different/better route? When things don't go your way, it's easy to lose faith in the benevolence of the cosmos. Fortunately, with the Sun in transformational Scorpio, you'll find inspiration in your current situation. Soon, you'll know how to make progress. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!









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Virgo - Your Weekly Horoscope: Nihilism is the belief that life is meaningless; that existence is a pointless exercise. It doesn't sound like an inspiring way to look at the world. But maybe, if we think about anything for long enough, we eventually start to see the futility in it. You've been wrestling with a question you can't answer. Without causing more confusion, could your difficulty be caused by the fact that you've found an answer, but it doesn't match what you want? This week, if you look at what you know, you'll find hidden meaning. And a real sense of purpose.

Virgo - Your October Monthly Horoscope: You're dealing with a situation that makes less sense the more you think about it. It's perplexing... and annoying. Will October bring resolution? The good news, is that it just might! With your ruler conjoining the Sun at the start of the month, and entering sensitive Scorpio (mid-month), you can expect flashes of startling insight. Revelations aren't always easy to deal with. But if you stay focused, you'll find it surprisingly easy to work out how to resolve a messy scenario so that you're free to focus on what makes you happy.

Virgo - Yesterday's Forecast:
If you'd known what the consequences of your actions would be maybe you'd have done things differently. So, it's a good job you didn't know! You made an important decision. It led to a result. But that result isn't definitive; it's just part of a process. With hindsight you'll see that you got the right outcome. And be able to appreciate the journey you've been on. As your ruler, Mercury, links with resilient Saturn, it enables you to assess where you are and see the positives. From here, the route forwards gets much easier. Want to know what the coming year has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!

Virgo - Mon Oct 21, 2024:
Just because some things are impossible doesn't mean we shouldn't give them a go. Some things are too easy. But they won't necessarily lead to a better result than our efforts to achieve something challenging - even if we don't manage to get the desired outcome. A situation (or a person) in your world is making you frustrated. You've been misled, and are coming to terms with the consequences of having misunderstood. Yet, as you assimilate and adjust, you'll realise that something 'impossible' is becoming possible.

Virgo - Sun Oct 20, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You're a compassionate, caring Virgo. You put other people's needs before your own. So, are you too kind-hearted? Actually, there's usually a method to your madness; and it's often one you don't notice until you've done something which others consider to be slightly crazy, which has a good result. Your intuitive approach is about to pay dividends. And it involves letting someone off the hook. The alternative involves you gripping that hook too tightly. By being kind to someone else, you're also being kind to yourself. Perfect! A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Virgo - Sat Oct 19, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Nihilism is the belief that life is meaningless; that existence is a pointless exercise. It doesn't sound like an inspiring way to look at the world. But maybe, if we think about anything for long enough, we eventually start to see the futility in it. You've been wrestling with a question you can't answer. Without causing more confusion, could your difficulty be caused by the fact that you've found an answer, but it doesn't match what you want? This week, if you look at what you know, you'll find hidden meaning. And a real sense of purpose.

Virgo - Fri Oct 18, 2024:
Huge, solid doors don't always have enormous keys. Likewise, it doesn't always take a huge amount of effort to solve a baffling conundrum. A small clue can do the trick. You feel as if an unsolvable problem is blocking your progress. Yet you're just missing a piece of crucial intel. A simple insight. A flash of inspiration. This weekend, it might be easy to dismiss a discovery as being trivial. But if you reflect on it, you'll see it offers a way round the difficulty you face. It's the key to a doorway that leads onto a path towards success. Discover your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your 'Guide to the Future'.

Virgo - Thu Oct 17, 2024:
We were talking about planet Earth being like a spaceship. These days, of course we all know that our planet is blue and round. But it's no wonder that our ancestors, who didn't have our technology, thought it was flat; and that the Sun moved around it. That's what appears to be happening. It took brilliant, innovative minds to work out what was actually going on. I'm not suggesting you're going to have such a world-impacting revelation today. But the Supermoon suggests a life-changing realisation is possible.

Virgo: - Wed Oct 16, 2024:
Humans are naturally self-centred. We can't help seeing things from our own perspective. Even empathic Virgos, who are proficient at putting themselves in other people's shoes, and care deeply about the feelings of those around you, can only see the world as it appears to you. But that doesn't mean the act of trying to understand what's going on in the minds and hearts of others isn't beneficial. It doesn't just improve your relationships, it improves you. Your sensitivity towards someone can make a huge difference today. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Virgo - Tue Oct 15, 2024:
We're passengers on a huge spaceship. Our view through the window is the ever-changing sky. Instead of seatbelts to hold us in place, we've got gravity. And rather than watching inflight movies to pass the time, we've got a constant supply of things to do. Our task is to make sure we're not too consumed by demands/stress that we forget to enjoy the journey. The coming Super Grand Cross Moon brings a spark of enthusiasm that reminds you of why your life is so special. Get ready to be inspired about where you're heading.

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