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Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

aries Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Aries Horoscope

Mon, 9th September 2024
Oscar Cainer

If we don't use our imaginations and allow ourselves to think 'what if', we restrict our potential. We accept the status quo. And our lives carry on in the same old ways. We don't recognise new options and alternatives - let alone investigate them. So, even though 'what ifs' can take us into the realm of wishful thinking, they have value. In contrast 'if onlys' are rooted in regret. With Mercury, the planet of intellect, moving into a new home, stop worrying about the wisdom of a recent decision, and look ahead. There's lots of potential.

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New! Moon Signs 8th September

New Moon in Virgo

What it means to have Moon in...

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Aries - Your Weekly Horoscope: Guardian angels are free spirits. They're under no obligation to watch over us; they do it because they want to do it. It can't be an easy job! They must be very patient, open-minded beings... but they don't take well to being ordered around. And even though they don't converse with words, they have ways of communicating. They send signals. They drop hints. And they love it when we understand their messages. You don't need to force the hand of destiny this week. Look for signs pointing you in the right direction.

Aries - Your September Monthly Horoscope: Certain issues don't seem worth our attention. We find them upsetting, unnerving or inflammatory. Yet when we close down our mental shutters, we cut ourselves off from other facts, which need facing. And that opens us to the consequences of self-deception. When September brings opportunities to look at tricky issues, take them. Not only do they offer chances to heal; dealing with them will open doors to different opportunities - the kind you've been longing for. Be brave, and this will be a transformatory month.

Aries - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: The doves are settled in their cots and quietly cooing. The pigeons have made their way home after carrying their messages. As for the eagles? They're sitting on mountain tops surveying their territory. Even if we're not ornithologists who know about bird behaviours, we can all tell the difference between a lovebird and a bird of prey. Hitchcock created a masterpiece with a tale about terrifying birds. But the story of your love life this week is about a songbird, that brings joy into your world. Stop worrying! And prepare to fly!

Learn the hidden secrets of the planets and how they affect your life and shape your future. Start your journey of self-discovery here!

Aries - Sat Sep 07, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Guardian angels are free spirits. They're under no obligation to watch over us; they do it because they want to do it. It can't be an easy job! They must be very patient, open-minded beings... but they don't take well to being ordered around. And even though they don't converse with words, they have ways of communicating. They send signals. They drop hints. And they love it when we understand their messages. You don't need to force the hand of destiny this week. Look for signs pointing you in the right direction.

Aries - Fri Sep 06, 2024:
Imagine knowing all the answers to life's conundrums? What would happen to the surprise of a realisation? Or the joy of a discovery? Or the adventure of exploring for info? The thrill of the unknown? Some situations aren't as easily explained as we think. And some mysteries are simple to solve. But there's no need to invent one just because you need something to distract you from what you need to be doing. And if an explanation doesn't make sense, don't accept it for the sake of it. Keep your wits about you this weekend.

Do you know who you are? Are you sure? Deep within your full personal birth chart, there's a wealth of information about your true potential. Reveal your hidden talents. Find out what you could achieve if you were really to try. Set yourself free to be the person you were always meant to be. To learn more, click here.

Aries - Thu Sep 05, 2024:
Your leadership qualities are in demand. Since no one else is putting themselves forwards it seems to be your job to address an unsatisfactory situation. Someone needs to do it... why not you? Except you're not entirely sure what to do! So, you just need to do what all powerful people do when they find themselves in this kind of predicament (which they do). You must act with confidence. Even if you don't get everything right, at least you can start to move everything (and everyone) on. And that's better than the current stalemate.

Aries - Wed Sep 04, 2024:
We've talked about time, and our limited understanding of how it works. So, how about this? According to some experts, rather than us moving through time, it's moving through us. We're just standing still. Now I highly doubt you experience time like this. I certainly don't! Maybe, in order to understand the concept, we need to achieve a state of consciousness that few reach! Still, as your ruler, Mars, moves signs and your energy levels change, your understanding of a complex situation gifts you with much more time to play with.

There are powerful changes in store for you soon. What are they? How can you best prepare for them? Find out in a full horoscope birth-chart. It's full of amazing predictions about you and your future. Get yours now.

Aries - Tue Sep 03, 2024:
Suppose we create a formula to help you sort out how to deal with your current issues and tasks? Using numbers and symbols, we could work out if there's some kind of trend that indicates what you need to prioritise. Or does that sound like another encroachment on your precious time? I use this example to highlight how someone in your world is overcomplicating everything. Their 'solutions' are so complex they're making your mind spin with confusion. Today, if you keep things simple, you'll make startling progress.

Aries: - Mon Sep 02, 2024:
Some people enjoy giving things up. They get so much satisfaction from depriving themselves that they seize every opportunity to let go - even of things that give them pleasure. Sometimes they take up habits because they know they'll be able to give them up! Self-sacrifice can be addictive. As a vibrant Aries, this kind of mindset sounds crazy! Good. You don't need to be stoic today. Nor do you have to negate your needs because someone thinks you should. Let yourself off the hook. You've got better things to do.

Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!

Aries - Sun Sep 01, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Some people aren't easy to be around. They're difficult to communicate with. They're hard to approach. Often, this is because they've put up self-protective barriers. They don't want to experience rejection, so they make themselves hard to love; that way they won't ever have to risk emotional pain. You're finding it hard to connect to someone in your world. Should you look beyond their prickliness, and keep trying? If your instincts are telling you that it's worth the effort, then go for it. This relationship could turn out to be a blessing.

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