5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Zodiac Birth Charts

Yesterday's Horoscope

Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast
Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast

Yesterday's Horoscopes
Hard Talk

Oscar Cainer

As Mercury (intellect), aligns with Saturn (the cosmic teacher), the sky focuses on negotiations. Facing up to reality involves honest conversations. And broaching important topics isn't easy. But with Venus (love) also linking with mighty Saturn, we can be creative in our approach. With kindness and clarity, if we find the courage to express heartfelt views, even if we don't get everything we want, our voices will be heard. And that paves the way for greater understanding, which is a good start.

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