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Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

scorpio Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Scorpio Horoscope

Mon, 9th September 2024
Oscar Cainer

There's an old poster, which used to adorn many office walls, that says 'You don't have to be crazy to work here... but it helps!' Times have changed since then; lots of people work from home. But maybe the message has lost its power because it seems the whole world has gone crazy. Sometimes, work seems to be the thing that keeps us sane! You're dealing with a crazy situation in your life. Luckily, with your innovative approach, you're kind of enjoying the craziness. Which is good, because your approach is key to its success.

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New! Moon Signs 8th September

New Moon in Virgo

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Scorpio - Your Weekly Horoscope: How are you supposed to deal with someone who's never going to change their ways? You've got plenty of evidence about their behaviour. In fact, just thinking about it makes you cross. You'd be foolish to forget it. So don't. But this week, see if you can find it in your heart to be forgiving. Sometimes, people do change. And even if they don't, your resentment is affecting you much more than it's affecting them. If you let go of it, you'll heal a hurt in you. This week's powerful cosmic climate brings a chance to move on.

Scorpio - Your September Monthly Horoscope: 'Whatever you believe, you can bring into being.' The art of manifestation isn't as simple as we'd like. We can't get what we want the moment we want it. And negative expectations don't have instantaneous negative consequences. No. The effects of our attitude manifest over time. September begins with your ruler, Pluto, reentering Capricorn. It's an invitation to get in touch with your deepest wishes and unfulfilled dreams and take steps towards making them part of your reality. If you summon your faith, you can do amazing things.

Scorpio - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Adaptability is an underestimated skill. We forget we've got this strength; it's only when we're under significant pressure that we remember it and put it to use. We might realise that the reason we can't find the answer we seek is because we're asking the wrong questions. And ta-dah, the frustrating problem we're dealing with becomes resolvable. So it is with the challenge in your relationship world. This week brings the insight to approach it from a different perspective. You'll find a way to turn a difficulty into a triumph.

Learn the hidden secrets of the planets and how they affect your life and shape your future. Start your journey of self-discovery here!

Scorpio - Sat Sep 07, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: How are you supposed to deal with someone who's never going to change their ways? You've got plenty of evidence about their behaviour. In fact, just thinking about it makes you cross. You'd be foolish to forget it. So don't. But this week, see if you can find it in your heart to be forgiving. Sometimes, people do change. And even if they don't, your resentment is affecting you much more than it's affecting them. If you let go of it, you'll heal a hurt in you. This week's powerful cosmic climate brings a chance to move on.

Scorpio - Fri Sep 06, 2024:
Some of the best suspense movies and novels engage the audience in a state of uncertainty about the hero's true nature. Are they as good as they seem? Could they possibly be on the dark side? When we start questioning their loyalty, our imaginations go into overdrive. Don't be tempted to fall into that trap this weekend. Just because something seems too good to be true doesn't mean you should create an alternative negative narrative. If you take all positive statements at face value, you'll find that your trust is very well-placed.

Do you know who you are? Are you sure? Deep within your full personal birth chart, there's a wealth of information about your true potential. Reveal your hidden talents. Find out what you could achieve if you were really to try. Set yourself free to be the person you were always meant to be. To learn more, click here.

Scorpio - Thu Sep 05, 2024:
You've got a second wind. A gust of enthusiasm, for a project you'd almost given up on, has taken you by surprise. With innovative Uranus, moving retrograde in your opposite sign, it's as if you're back where you were a while ago; except the resemblance is on a superficial level. This is a chance to have another shot at a significant target. You've gained the experience to be able to fix whatever didn't work the last time you tried. Don't waste time thinking things through. Just be glad of this opportunity. And seize it.

Scorpio - Wed Sep 04, 2024:
We all fall into the 'what if' trap. We know it's unhelpful - that we need to deal with the way things are (rather than how they could/should be). But we can't help ourselves. It's true that if we managed to live in the moment, we'd save ourselves from time-wasting conjecture. And that we can get so lost in speculating that we miss opportunities. You're projecting into the future, but in a hopeful way. And you're facing criticism for your optimism. Should you reconsider? No! Today brings a sign that you're right to think positive.

There are powerful changes in store for you soon. What are they? How can you best prepare for them? Find out in a full horoscope birth-chart. It's full of amazing predictions about you and your future. Get yours now.

Scorpio - Tue Sep 03, 2024:
What do you have scheduled today? Let's go through your list and see what needs your attention. It's worth having a think because some of your plans are based around other people's expectations. And just because someone thinks something should be done doesn't mean it needs doing today. The New Moon brings new developments, and giving them the attention they deserve involves reassessing and reconfiguring your priorities. Focus on what takes you forwards rather than on issues that relate to the past.

Scorpio: - Mon Sep 02, 2024:
Various irritating issues are preventing you from enjoying yourself. You seem to be constantly fending off problems and tackling tricky scenarios. Yet even if nothing appears to significantly alter today, your ruler Pluto's move into Capricorn promises an improvement. You'll be able to tap into your intuitive powers and use them to take inspired, pragmatic steps that sort out your difficulties. Prepare to discover that you're ready to instigate a long-dreamed of change. And that you've got the time and energy to start now.

Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!

Scorpio - Sun Sep 01, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Sometimes, humans can be crazy and stupid en masse. We notice what other people are doing and thinking, and we figure that if we go along with them, we're doing the right thing. They, of course, are looking at us and coming to the same decision. Before we know it, we're all copying each other and none of us are thinking about what we're doing. Aargh! Fortunately, you're an independent-minded soul. This week, don't sacrifice your needs in order to fit in. If you follow your heart, you might inspire others to do the same!

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