5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

pisces Zodiac Sign

Pisces Horoscope

Wed, 23rd October 2024

Some people (even some astrologers) think that life is predestined. Others (including me), believe that we have freedom to choose. What do you think? Suppose you're predestined to get to a point where you have to decide between these two different concepts? Life seems to throw us into situations where we have to consider confusing, psychological issues. You might feel like you've got the power to make a decisive decision today. But to keep everyone happy, you might choose to let others think that they're in control! A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!









Birth Charts

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Mars Retrograde

New! Your Zodiac Career

New! Moon Signs 20th October

Full Moon in Aries

What it means to have Moon in...

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Pisces - Your Weekly Horoscope: When we're growing up, we're taught that we need to work hard to achieve success and status; that the world doesn't owe us a living. We carry this mentality with us into adulthood. And these days, when we can work 24 hours a day, opportunities to relax and have fun are harder and harder to find. Yet isn't nature abundant? The world might not owe us anything. But if we approach it in the right spirit, it's willing (and able) to give us plenty. Take one courageous step this week, and you'll experience cosmic generosity.

Pisces - Your October Monthly Horoscope: You're an imaginative Piscean. But should you try to be more organised/focused/pragmatic? Maybe. But only a tiny bit more. People who prioritise achievement might end up with a long list of 'successes', but do they have good friends to share their success with? In October, if you create more structure in your world, you can make a lot of exciting things happen. But don't let your desire to 'do' suppress your desire to 'be'. By staying true to yourself, whilst reevaluating your priorities, this will be a truly memorable month.

Pisces - Yesterday's Forecast:
When people are asked what super power they'd like, some say X-ray vision. But, as with all these gifts, there are disadvantages as well as benefits. If we were able to see everything, what would happen to our sense of mystery? You don't need a lycra suit in your wardrobe; you've got your own super powers. Your insight enables you to see straight through people's facades. It sounds positive. But right now, you're seeing more than it's good for you to see. The Mercury/Saturn link enables you to step back and get a better perspective. Want to know what the coming year has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!

Pisces - Mon Oct 21, 2024:
Wellness gurus talk about the need to fill our lives with purpose. We're supposed to set ourselves targets, make efficient use of our time, and work to achieve our goals. It's how we take control of our destiny. Yet life on this ball of rock is supposed to be fluid. We need to be able to adapt and go with the flow. But you're a Piscean. You know this. So, don't put yourself under pressure to take charge of a situation today. Trust, and let things unfold. By staying as relaxed as possible, an idea will develop into a realistic opportunity.

Pisces - Sun Oct 20, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Sometimes, just when things seem to be going well in our relationship world, a new problem pops up. Or an old one rears its head. It's almost as if difficulties are like flies; they sense that something delicious is being prepared in the kitchen, and they're attracted to the feast. Suppose, this week, you look at your most challenging issue as if it was an annoying pest? It might buzz around. Or flutter. But it's not going to be able to do any real damage. By choosing not to overreact to an irritant, you'll find it flies out of the window. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Pisces - Sat Oct 19, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: When we're growing up, we're taught that we need to work hard to achieve success and status; that the world doesn't owe us a living. We carry this mentality with us into adulthood. And these days, when we can work 24 hours a day, opportunities to relax and have fun are harder and harder to find. Yet isn't nature abundant? The world might not owe us anything. But if we approach it in the right spirit, it's willing (and able) to give us plenty. Take one courageous step this week, and you'll experience cosmic generosity.

Pisces - Fri Oct 18, 2024:
Some people take umbrage at anything that's not going their way. An unexpected downpour? They're cross with the weather forecast. Only standing room on the bus? They'll blame the bus company's poor timetabling. If you're feeling out of sync this weekend, it's not because the cosmos is working against you. No. Stay positive, and any hiccups will be easy to deal with. Especially when there are so many things to enjoy. Take these as a reward for your efforts to help someone whose attitude is less positive than yours. Discover your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your 'Guide to the Future'.

Pisces - Thu Oct 17, 2024:
We all experience occasional psychic moments. Little flashes of insight. Unexpected tingles of excitement. Instants when we know what someone's going to say before they say it. Times when we're thinking about someone, and they make contact from out of the blue. These moments can be amazingly precise. But we don't always interpret them accurately. As long as you're open-minded about your responses today, the hunches you experience will help you make a decision that guides you in a new, promising direction.

Pisces: - Wed Oct 16, 2024:
You know that feeling you get when something feels 'right'? It's a tingle. Or a shiver. Your natural sensitivity enables you to detect positive and perfect possibilities. Watch out today for an unignorable response. It might feel a bit like hope. But it's more than that. It's a deep sense of certainty. Just be wary of mixing up what's actually unfolding with what you wish would unfold. Instead of worrying about what you'd like to happen, focus on what you've got. Under the Super Grand Cross Moon, you'll see why you're so lucky to have it. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Pisces - Tue Oct 15, 2024:
Turn on the TV or radio. Or go online. You'll find lots of people who think they know what's wrong with the world. But perhaps what's wrong is that more of us don't know what's wrong. Or how to sort it. If we all had opinions which we shared, maybe we'd all come to the same conclusion, and find a way to sort the problems out. Hmmm... or maybe, it's all the different opinions that are causing the problems! You're a peace-loving Piscean. If you can rise above any provocation today, you'll create harmony where there's been tension.

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