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aquarius Zodiac Sign

Aquarius Horoscope

Thu, 13th March 2025

The issue of transferable skills is at the heart of today's prediction. You're an adaptable, innovative Aquarian; but even you sometimes find yourself in situations where you feel out of your depth; that you've got less expertise than other people. And with the coming Lunar Eclipse making you more aware of your vulnerable side, there's a chance you feel inadequate. But there's no reason for that. While it's true that events are taking you out of your comfort zone, if you take things in your stride, you'll succeed, with style. This 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse is changing something within you - turning outdated patterns into renewed purpose. Learn more about the upcoming Blood Moon' Eclipse. (50% Discount and more...)









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Aquarius - Your Weekly Horoscope: The vast majority of people think that conflict is wrong. Yet when it comes to the matters we believe in, we're all prepared to fight for our cause. And if we're fearful of what will happen if we don't leap into action, we'll push beyond our normal parameters. Luckily, the dilemma you face this week isn't going to necessitate going into battle mode. In the approach to the Lunar Eclipse, with a combination of determination and insight, you can find a way to negotiate so that this problem is resolved in a way that everyone is happy with. Yay! Join the 5 Star Service for ad free forecasts, massive discounts, audio and video

Aquarius - Your March Monthly Horoscope: It's easy to find fault with everything and everyone. Not only that, but we live with our own inner critic, who loves ripping our ideas to pieces before we've had a chance to action them. As an Aquarian, you set yourself high standards (which you often achieve). But it's not good, healthy, or fun to set yourself an unachievable goal. In March, with Venus, and (later) Mercury, both retrograde, by taking time to reassess your ambitions, you'll be more able to appreciate the good things that really are unfolding. Expect lots of them. Join the 5 Star Service and chat with Disy about your own unique birth chart

Aquarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
Apparently, the past is a cancelled cheque, the future is a promissory note, and the present is the only hard cash we have; which means we need to spend it wisely. It sounds like good advice to follow. But does that mean that we can't revisit past events and change how we feel about them? We've all got historical hurts and grievances. Are they destined to remain sources of pain? The approaching Lunar Eclipse offers you a chance to make peace with an old issue. In healing a wound you'll open up the potential for a better future. Unexpected revelations may arrive like uninvited guests, bringing gifts disguised as disruptions. This 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse is changing something within you - turning outdated patterns into renewed purpose. Learn more about the upcoming Blood Moon' Eclipse. (50% Discount and more...)

Aquarius - Tue Mar 11, 2025:
Even if much of your daily routine seems similar to what you were doing a year ago, there are some important distinctions. And, in the approach of the Lunar Eclipse, it's these that need to be reflected on. Back then, you had no clue about how significantly different you'd be feeling vis-à-vis some aspects of your life. The same principle can be applied to what lies ahead in the future. The only thing you can say with certainty is that it won't work out as you expect! Knowing that should give you the motivation to make a bold decision. Join the 5 Star Service for ad free forecasts, massive discounts, audio and video

Aquarius - Mon Mar 10, 2025:
Aquarians like knowing what's going on. As long as you understand what you're dealing with, you can think of ways to handle problems. When you can assess the pros and cons of a situation, you can decide how much time and energy you're going to need to set aside. Yet, right now, the more you focus on trying to figure out what's unfolding, the more confused you seem to be. So, instead of worrying about the worst-case scenario, why don't you change tactics? If you concentrate on the positive, you'll see a clear way forward. The cosmos is preparing to gift us with a celestial event of profound significance - a 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, taking place on Friday, March 14th, at 23 degrees 56' Virgo. (50% Discount and more...)

Aquarius - Sun Mar 09, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Even the best students aren't good at everything. Nor do they enjoy every subject. Their strengths might lie in science and mathematics, and less in history and geography. And it's similar when we progress beyond our formal education. We're better at dealing with some of life's lessons than others. And we find certain subjects more interesting. The coming Lunar Eclipse presents you with a new opportunity. It's a chance to expand your horizons. Take advantage of your ability to think outside the box, and you'll love what unfolds. Join the 5 Star Service for ad free forecasts, massive discounts, audio and video

Aquarius - Sat Mar 08, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: The vast majority of people think that conflict is wrong. Yet when it comes to the matters we believe in, we're all prepared to fight for our cause. And if we're fearful of what will happen if we don't leap into action, we'll push beyond our normal parameters. Luckily, the dilemma you face this week isn't going to necessitate going into battle mode. In the approach to the Lunar Eclipse, with a combination of determination and insight, you can find a way to negotiate so that this problem is resolved in a way that everyone is happy with. Yay! This 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse is changing something within you - turning outdated patterns into renewed purpose. Learn more about the upcoming Blood Moon' Eclipse. (50% Discount and more...)

Aquarius - Fri Mar 07, 2025:
If only we could remember that life ebbs and flows like the tide; that it has its natural highs, and its natural lows. The problem is that life doesn't adhere to the same obvious rhythmic patterns as the oceans. Plus, we're not standing on the shoreline, observing the waves; we're immersed in its currents. But just being aware of this is helpful. It reminds us that we're not totally responsible for the ups and downs we experience. The weekend brings a time of calm. A patch of rough water is settling. Go with the flow, you'll see. Join the 5 Star Service for ad free forecasts, massive discounts, audio and video

Aquarius: - Thu Mar 06, 2025:
It's mind-boggling to think that some trees are thousands of years old. That once upon a time, they were seeds, then saplings... and that they've grown stronger and sturdier, whilst witnessing our world's history. They know a lot about standing tall and dignified throughout the changing seasons of life. If they could give us advice, they'd tell us about the importance of having good roots. If you're feeling wind-swept by recent, unpredictable developments, just stay rooted to a position you believe in. You're starting to blossom. The cosmos is preparing to gift us with a celestial event of profound significance - a 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, taking place on Friday, March 14th, at 23 degrees 56' Virgo. (50% Discount and more...)

Aquarius - Wed Mar 05, 2025:
Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? Yes - think of pizza and chocolate! But surely it's better to have that rather than have too much of a bad thing? And, if a bad thing is considered bad just because we've got too much of it, then surely it really is a good thing! Yet even a small quantity of something bad isn't good. There's a chance you're putting up with something unsatisfactory because you're worried about not having enough of something else. Yet any sense of 'lack' means there's space for something positive. Join the 5 Star Service for ad free forecasts, massive discounts, audio and video

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