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Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Your Gemini Child

gemini Zodiac Sign

ALL children go through a phase of asking, 'Why?' Most though, eventually grow out of it. Not Your Gemini. If you find their constant questioning exhausting, you'd better find some way to get used to it... because they'll still be wanting to know everything when they are 80. And if you think that by then, you won't be around to answer them... don't be so sure.

Your Gemini is a Gemini. They have the kind of irrepressible exuberance that doesn't wear off with age. Indeed, there are some who argue that to be a Gemini is to be born blessed with access to at least some of the secret of eternal youth. This means that when they actually are 80, they won't look it. They'll still be very vibrant and sprightly... they'll still have that impish grin, that cheeky sense of humour and that insatiable appetite for information.

Because people who keep a Gemini's company tend to stay younger, longer, too... you may well find yourself debating and discussing life excitedly with them, even at the grand old age of a hundred and something.

Life with your Gemini will always be full of entertainment and engagement. It will also be full of glorious inconsistency. Unlike some people who say one thing and then stick to it like superglue, no matter how boring it makes them, Your Gemini is adaptable. They are forever experimenting with new ideas, attitudes and opinions. They therefore reserve the right to change their mind as they learn and grow, even if this requires them to make the occasional dramatic U-turns as they travel down the road of life.

Your Gemini knows that what really matters, here on this planet, is the journey not the destination. And one way or another, no matter what you show them... this is what they will help to teach YOU.

So, don't worry that life with your Gemini and their endless questions is going to prove exhausting. You'll soon realise that it's actually going to be deeply invigorating. Or at least you will, as long as... when they insist on holding their spoon the wrong way round... or wearing their coat back to front... or making up a special language all of their own... you remember that for them, this is all one big experiment. Don't correct them, support them. Join in the fun. And you'll both stay forever young.
Learn the hidden secrets of the planets and how they affect your life and shape your future. Start your journey of self-discovery here!

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