5 Star
Birth Charts
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Your Libra Child

libra Zodiac Sign

Small children, they tell us, like ritual and repetition, familiarity and consistency, rhythm, regularity and routine. Your Libra, though, likes spontaneity and innovation, change and unpredictability, random excitement and sudden surprise! That's why they create so much of it. It stops them from getting bored. If you want them to be more easygoing and placid, just save them the effort and create some chaos for them instead! Because as there's something new and different happening, Your Libra will always be happy.

I'm not trying to suggest here, that your Libran can't work with a timetable - or settle into a pattern. They can. They do already - and they'll always have that ability. But your Libran, in essence, is someone who yearns to know, 'What else is possible?' As soon as they have 'seen' how an arrangement works - or they have got used to a situation of any kind, they simply want to find out how it can be altered.

They don't much care whether the alteration is an improvement or not. Your Libran, their whole life long, is going to have difficulty upholding that old adage, 'If it ain't broken, don't fix it.'

As far as they're concerned, 'If it ain't broken, it ain't interesting.' They're a Libran. They like to redress imbalances. So they tend to feel, if all is cosy and comfortable and there's no wrong to right, they have no purpose to serve!

Hence their mischievousness, their fascination with topics and subjects that most people shy away from and their endless willingness to learn. Don't ask them what they want to be when they grow up. They have no intention of ever doing that! They're going to be a child at heart their whole life long. And they're also going to be a person who loves to research answers, to collect ideas, to explore solutions and to share their knowledge with others.

Already, they understand more than you think. Soon, you'll find that every day in their company is an education. And a pleasure. For your Libran, despite their somewhat idiosyncratic nature, is a wonderfully affable, irresistibly charming, sociable, loveable individual.
And one last thing, if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you've been missing out. Change your future... click here!

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