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Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Your Taurus Child

taurus Zodiac Sign

They may be lovely, they may be cute, they may have wonderfully bright eyes and the most adorable smile. But despite their size, their innocence and their charm... Your Taurus is one of the most stubborn individuals you will ever encounter of any age.

Once they have made their mind up... there's no arguing with them. Or pleading. Or cajoling. And er... don't you dare threaten! They'll just dig in their heels even further. They share this ferociously determined character trait with all born under the bull. It may prove a little difficult to deal with at times but it's a big part of what makes your Taurus so extraordinarily special and so potentially powerful. Try to see it as a talent rather than a problem and, if you ever get on the wrong side of it... just remember that the way to their heart is through their taste buds... and their love of luxury. They can't be bamboozled but they can be bribed!

They can also recognise the difference between butter and margarine, silk and polyester, quality and quantity... with amazing alacrity. Your Taurus has exceptional discrimination but they do not have expensive tastes. Their appreciation of the finer things in life involves recognition of 'integrity' - and that's something no amount of money can buy. Whether it's a toy, a meal or an item of clothing, they want the one that has been made with care, love and attention to detail. They don't care whether it's popular or fashionable... only that it's 'good'. It's the same with people. Your Taurus isn't impressed with pretense. If people are 'only pretending' or 'going through the motions' or generally being 'false' they can spot it in an instant.

Though they may not always be able to explain why they have objected to someone or something you can rest assured that your Taurus is an amazingly accurate 'honesty barometer'. Their instincts are exemplary. As is their sense of loyalty, their willingness to act with stunning and genuine generosity... and their uncanny empathy for plants and animals. They're also, potentially, very musical. If they're ever upset... just sing to them!
But wait, there's more to you than your sun-sign reading. You should read your personal horoscope report. Inside you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about your personality and what's in store for you in the future. You can download a personal horoscope chart here

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