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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Sagittarius, Year Ahead 2022

sagittarius Zodiac Sign

2022 General Horoscope | 2022 Luck and Money Horoscope

Even if you can't set out on a physical journey, you don't fear inner adventure. Jupiter, your ruler, loves travelling too, so much so that it has two celestial homes. In 2022, in its second abode (Pisces), it meets Neptune for the first time since 1856. It's a chance to access treasures you've gathered, and discover how to fulfil your potential.

As Jupiter changes signs in May, you'll be free to express yourself. Your creativity and playfulness will inspire can-do motivation in others. Encouraged by boosts to your confidence, you won't be short of admirers. A softer, more romantic attitude will infuse your perspective and draw admirers to you.

The only constant in 2022, is change! With Mars moving opposite your sign for an extended period, use the energy to resolve any relationship frustrations. Self-honesty and attention to other people's needs are key. Your generosity and ability to rise above conflict ensure an emotionally rewarding year. With the power to create change, just ensure you don't exhaust your energy. Focus your attention on what matters most.

2022 offers opportunities to reshape your life. Bring more of your carefree, fun-loving self to the fore. Those attractive qualities will get you noticed.

Luck and Money

You're at your best when spontaneously riding your luck. As your ruler, Jupiter, encourages your improvisational abilities to grow, it leads to greater freedom and success. This is especially useful as Mars' long stay opposite Sagittarius makes business relationships more challenging. But your enthusiasm helps you turn potential challenges into sparks of creativity with exciting financial rewards.

But wait, there's more to you than your sun-sign reading. You should read your personal horoscope report. Inside you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about your personality and what's in store for you in the future. You can download a personal horoscope chart here

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