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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Pisces, Year Ahead 2022

pisces Zodiac Sign

2022 General Horoscope | 2022 Luck and Money Horoscope

In 2022, your traditional ruler, lucky Jupiter, spends over half the year in your sign. In April, it connects with your modern ruler, Neptune, in Pisces for the first time in more than 160 years. That's a lot of positivity! Expect adventures and freedom to pursue your visions. A renewed sense of purpose brings confidence to enjoy cosmic gifts coming your way.

Extravagant Jupiter slips in and out of your sign throughout the year, encouraging change. You'll be able to avoid difficult situations, and embrace new opportunities, with a likelihood of growing financial and emotional security. You'll shine and attract new people into your life. Guided by intuition you can make romantic dreams come true.

April's Jupiter/Neptune convergence helps you connect with your innermost feelings. Your subconscious knows what you need, and new insights will inspire action. The trick is to dream big but take small steps... as Neptune continues to move forwards in the first half of the year, you'll progress swiftly. A moment of heartfelt sharing opens a new relationship possibility.

From June, when Neptune moves retrograde, you sense a small lull, but key people will help you regain momentum. Any slow-down will have advantages too! More time to share your innermost feelings and experience with someone special.

Luck and Money

The convergence of your twin rulers in Pisces (in April) creates unbridled potential for growth. But unbridled horses have a tendency to roam where they shouldn't! So the key to financial success this year lies in encouraging this energy into areas with the greatest chances of reward. Fortunately, Jupiter's movements promise huge increases in the resources at your disposal.

To understand the world you must first understand yourself. There's so much more to your story than your Sun-sign. A full horoscope reading based on your birth details will give you the whole picture... and may just change your life. Download yours now!

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