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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

What the planets say about you

Weekly Love Pisces Horoscope

Sunday, 12 June 2022

pisces Zodiac Sign

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: The best road to be travelling along isn't the smoothest or the flattest. It's the one that takes you to the highest point with the most breath-taking view. The greatest book isn't the one you read in one sitting. It's the one that rewards deep, concentrated immersion with life-changing revelations. Life's best and most memorable moments are often those that require effort, exertion - even a certain amount of pain. Finding love is rarely easy. Keeping love is harder still. These facts shouldn't dissuade you - but spur you on. This week, being bold brings rewards. Some strawberries look better than they taste but this Strawberry Super Moon brings you a chance to discover the real you. Take advantage of this special moment in time with 50% OFF all Birth Charts (OFFER ENDS IN A FEW HOURS)

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