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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

What the planets say about you

Weekly Love Leo Horoscope

Sunday, 12 June 2022

leo Zodiac Sign

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: When a weather forecaster says it will be a 'lovely warm and sunny day', some people start grumbling. What's lovely about another dry day when my lawn's parched? It won't be lovely for us hay fever sufferers? You can't please everyone all the time! And although the forecaster never says, 'it's going to be a lovely rainy day', we all need the rain to keep falling - without it, we'd be in trouble. If you're tempted to see a development in a negative light this week, have another look. It might be just the change in the emotional weather you're looking for. Some strawberries look better than they taste but this Strawberry Super Moon brings you a chance to discover the real you. Take advantage of this special moment in time with 50% OFF all Birth Charts (OFFER ENDS IN A FEW HOURS)

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