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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Study Astrology

Astrology is a fascinating subject and there is a huge astrological community around the world, who would be only too happy to welcome you into their ranks and help you learn more about the art.

Our first recommendation would be to take a look at the website of the American based magazine, The Mountain Astrologer. The magazine began in 1987 with just eight typewritten pages and a print run of 100 copies. Now it is one of the most respected global astrological forums and prints 24,000 copies, obtaining 40,000 readers each month. This magazine carries comprehensive listings for astrological courses, seminars, meetings etc., taking place around the world each month.

Contributors to the magazine include some of the most well respected names in the astrological 'community', including Rob Hand, Erin Sullivan and Deborah Houlding.

The website location is www.mountainastrologer.com Subscriptions and back issues (including one on astrological courses) can be obtained by calling (800) 287-4828 in the US or 01202 424695 in the UK 1 800 626 402 in Australia/New Zealand and 21 852 4728 in South Africa.

There are many discussion groups attached to various sites which offer a place for intelligent, informed discourses on astrology. It's a question of finding a site which grabs your interest but a good starting point for listings is www.easyscopes.com - www.easyscopes.com/top20.html

Another excellent resource is Dermod Moore's www.astrologer.com site. At this site you can find information of software, charts, astrological associations and a comprehensive directory listing all things astrological using a refined search system - The Metalog Directory.

Finally if you wish to study astrology to a professional level you should contact the main astrological body in your country.

In the USA this is the National Council for Geocosmic Research or NCGR. 818 761 6433 www.geocosmic.org

In the UK, The Faculty of Astrological Studies www.astrology.org.uk or FAS on 07000 790143
and in Australia the Federation of Australian Astrologers or FAA on 61 3 5261 6293 www.faainc.org.au

We wish you much enjoyment and success in your studies
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