You've got good connections. But you're starting to wonder if some of them are turning into bad ones. It seems your current plan has invited lots of criticism. And it's making you wonder if you're on the right track. But you are. Don't submit to defeatism. The problems you're dealing with are par for the course. When you're being courageous and trying something new, you're bound to struggle sometimes. Plus, the people who care about you are bound to feel anxious. Relax. And keep going. Any negativity will soon subside.
Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!
Pisces - Your Weekly Horoscope: When we think of myths and legends we tend to focus on Greek and Roman stories. Yet within all cultures we find folklore that tells heroic tales of visionaries and dreamers. And if we tap into them, they can inspire us. This week's powerful cosmic climate, involving a link between the Sun and your traditional ruler, Jupiter, is the perfect time to set forth on a new adventure. If you need clues about what it involves, look at the stories unfolding around you. The tale of your life is taking a new direction. Get ready! And Enjoy!
Pisces - Your September Monthly Horoscope: It's the situations and people we most care about that get us into the most trouble. It's the causes that touch our hearts and the relationships which mean so much to us that impact our mood. And it's hard/impossible to detach from our feelings and act as if things that matter, don't. In September, as we move towards the Lunar Eclipse Harvest Moon linked to your ruler, Neptune, your emotions are going to heighten. The good news is that even though some of your commitments bring inevitable stress, they bring lots more joy.
Pisces - Yesterday's Forecast:
When information is shared with enthusiasm it's much easier for us to take it on board. It's not that the content is more interesting - it's about the way it's delivered. Similarly, when people talk to us in a way that triggers an emotional response, we can't help but engage with their story. If you seek advice about a decision today, be mindful about how you react to what you hear. Just because someone interprets your situation as being dramatic/urgent, doesn't mean that you have to take dramatic/urgent action. Gently does it.
Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.
Pisces - Sun Sep 08, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: If only you could predict the outcome to the emotional drama you're caught up in. Maybe that's why you're reading this; you're hoping for insight. But my job, this week, is to tell you that you already know what lies ahead. As the Sun links to your traditional ruler, Jupiter, there's only one thing that's going to alter. It's an inner change. If you let go of your concerns, you'll realise that your imagination has been working in overdrive mode. And that what's appearing on your horizon contains reasons to feel hopeful.
Pisces - Sat Sep 07, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: When we think of myths and legends we tend to focus on Greek and Roman stories. Yet within all cultures we find folklore that tells heroic tales of visionaries and dreamers. And if we tap into them, they can inspire us. This week's powerful cosmic climate, involving a link between the Sun and your traditional ruler, Jupiter, is the perfect time to set forth on a new adventure. If you need clues about what it involves, look at the stories unfolding around you. The tale of your life is taking a new direction. Get ready! And Enjoy!
Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!
Pisces - Fri Sep 06, 2024:
Speeding along country lanes in a car has its pleasures. You can appreciate the view as you move towards your destination. Someone taking the same route on foot is going to take a lot longer. But they'll have a more leisurely, immersive experience. But which way is best? Fast or slow? It depends on context. It's not always good to compare two similar but different processes. This weekend, to take advantage of the cosmic climate, it's quality you need. Whether you're going fast or not, take moments to enjoy what's unfolding.
Pisces - Thu Sep 05, 2024:
In the dark of the night everyday objects and sounds can take on a sinister air. And once our imagination has taken flight, it's hard to keep it in check. Monsters under the bed? The creak of an intruder? In the daylight, logic would rule out these options before we had a chance to feel fearful; but when our vision is restricted, it loses its power. Our minds whirl, and sleep is hard to find. It's only when we switch on the light that we can chase the fantasies away. Today brings the dawn of an insight that frees you from a source of anxiety.
Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.
Pisces - Wed Sep 04, 2024:
You're competent and capable. But there are still lots of things you don't do. The strings to your bow are plentiful, but no one can play every instrument in life's orchestra. And you stick to what you know. That's what we all do; it stops us getting overwhelmed by too many options. But what are you meant to do when your usual options aren't available? You might be feeling as if you've run out of possibilities. But if you tap into your creativity, you'll find you can adapt your skills and find a way to make metaphorical music today.
Pisces: - Tue Sep 03, 2024:
Some highly intuitive souls can read other people's minds. If you happen to be someone who can't make their mind up, it might be useful having such folk around! Or maybe indecisive folk develop an uncertain mindset to protect themselves from intrusive psychics! But the truth is that in order for our thoughts to be read, we need to consciously or unconsciously project our desires. The New Moon, in your opposite sign, is heightening your intuitive powers. You can use them to achieve a precious insight into what someone truly feels.
Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download 'Your Guide to the Future'.
Pisces - Mon Sep 02, 2024:
Everything comes with strings attached. We might not be able to see them. It might take us a while to realise they exist. But rarely, (if ever), does anyone ever do anything for anyone without an expectation that they'll get something in return. But that doesn't mean we can't be kind. Or generous. Or compassionate. You know the secret about giving; that the more you give, the more you receive. You can maximise the effects of this mysterious formula today. Someone needs help. And if you can find time to respond, you'll be blessed.