New / Full Moons: Full 18th Sep in Pisces New 2nd Oct in Libra Full 17th Oct in Aries
The New Moon in Virgo on the 3rd of September is just in time for the end of the School Holidays in the UK and marks the beginning of a new year. Astrologically, as Saturn in Pisces opposes the Sun and Moon, there is a sense of getting down to the work, of learning important lessons and committing to sorting out deeper issues.
The Virgo New Moon is pushing for perfection in our new beginnings now. But it is acutely aware of every detail, every bump that interrupts the smooth sheet of a fresh start. The connection to Saturn, which is retrograde now, is bringing up old ideals and reminding us of what we may wish we could control. There is a conflict in the chart between starting anew and yearning to turn back the clock. Like some kind of flux capacitor, retrograde Saturn has the power to take us back on a journey of reflection now. But what we choose to do when we revisit the past is up to us. It's easy to get lost there.
Saturn though is taking us back on this journey and pulling us back from the energy of the New Moon for a reason. Wise Saturn knows that we have something to let go of now. Nostalgic reminiscing can create an illusion of a 'better' time. We imagine things were easier when we look through a rose-tinted rearview mirror but in reality, the journey we are on, no matter how hard, is the right one.
Jupiter, squaring Saturn, is both exacerbating the influence of this journey and, in Gemini, hurrying the process along. This planet knows that the opportunities which are coming are worth believing in. It's pushing us to find the faith that we need, in ourselves and in our deeper purpose here to let go of illusions which are only holding us back. To show generosity to our future self by choosing now to release the pull of old wounds and wishes unfulfilled.
The planets are saying, "Let them go, empty your cup. Let us fill it back again with what is right for you now..."
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