5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
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For the week starting:
Sunday, 1 December 2024

Generosity and Abundance

by Jemima Cainer

This week begins with a New Moon in generous, abundant Sagittarius. Plans made and journeys begun under this New Moon will be infused with a sense of not being able to rest until the goal has been achieved. This is a New Moon to begin something helpful. To set intentions which are limited only by our own imagination and to commit to sharing wisdom generously, with great kindness. This New Moon is hopeful. It focuses our attention inwards to connect with what we seek from our future and helps us to find a spark of excitement that is worth holding onto. There are cosmic forces at work now which offer us a wonderful, supportive power to turn creativity into something truly effective. Messages of hope arrive not in a bottle but on the back of the centaur. There is an opportunity now to rekindle some important conversations and to reopen old connections with renewed hope and revisiting old ideas and commitments will spark new opportunities for growth and healing.

If you don't know your 'Moon Sign' you can find out here.

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Moon Signs 1st December

New! Sun and Moon Together

Finding Love

Zodiac Tea!

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