Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

January 24th to January 31st 2005

MONDAY January 24
Conjunctions comment - Guest astrologer Eric Francis

Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are by Eric Francis, whose brilliant insights for you can be found on
Eric writes: We've lived through some full-strength astrology recently, but nothing like we have coming this week. If recent times are a stiff wind of fate blowing us around, this week feels more like a welding torch. Be careful, they can burn nearly as hot as the Sun - but you can shape metal into anything you want. Tomorrow's Leo Full Moon gets things rolling, then the week builds to two stunning conjunctions on Friday: Mars conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius, and Mercury conjunct Chiron in Capricorn.

TUESDAY January 25
Leo Full Moon, Pluto and Chiron - Guest astrologer Eric Francis

Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are by Eric Francis, whose brilliant insights for you can be found on
Eric writes: Typically, after a Full Moon, the cosmic energy begins to relax - but not this month. Yesterday's Leo Full Moon was merely an impressive warm-up for Friday when Mars forms a conjunction with Pluto, and Mercury is conjunct Chiron. Pluto and Chiron work well together. Think of them as opposite ends of the same idea. Pluto works in deep, underground ways, and Chiron works in more obvious ways you can see and feel. Add personal planets, Mercury and Mars, to this equation, and we're surely heading for some momentous revelation.

WEDNESDAY January 26
After the Full Moon

Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are by Eric Francis, whose brilliant insights for you can be found on
Eric writes: Typically, after a Full Moon, the cosmic energy begins to relax - but not this month. Yesterday's Leo Full Moon was merely an impressive warm-up for Friday when Mars forms a conjunction with Pluto, and Mercury is conjunct Chiron. Pluto and Chiron work well together. Think of them as opposite ends of the same idea. Pluto works in deep, underground ways, and Chiron works in more obvious ways you can see and feel. Add personal planets, Mercury and Mars, to this equation, and we're surely heading for some momentous revelation.

THURSDAY January 27
New Planets

Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are by Eric Francis, whose brilliant insights for you can be found on
Eric writes: How, exactly, do new planets get established in astrology? Either when they are too obvious to deny, or when we truly need a representative of the process that they instigate. Pluto (discovered 1930) took time to gain acceptance, but today it's considered indispensable. A similar process is happening with Chiron. Many of us are craving heightened awareness, transformation, healing and the gift of being able to heal, so Chiron is taking an obvious place. Along these lines, we all have some healing to do around the concept of 'government'. Chiron conjunct Mercury in Capricorn is boldly leading the way.

FRIDAY January 28
No Thought for the Day

SATURDAY January 29
No Thought for the Day

MONDAY January 31
Earth and Sun email

Dear Jonathan,
Before your holiday, you wrote about the Earth revolving around the Sun. But it doesn't! These are objects in space. Space has no defined points. When we make such statements we are selecting the Sun and calling it a point. This simplifies the mathematics and makes it more understandable. The relationship between Sun and Earth though, is that they both travel around one of the foci of an ellipse. There are no absolutes, not even the place of the Sun.

Dear Marilyn,
Thank you for your letter. That makes everything nice and clear. Er... I think.


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