Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

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May 5th to May 10th 2003

Message from Dolphins

“Dolphins,” I am reliably informed, “don’t much understand humans but they find them amusing to watch. They think though, that some of us can be very ‘shark-like’ at times." They have two messages to pass on.
  1. Please we stop our navies from using so much sonar. It is painful to them and their cousins, the whales.
  2. Could we all stop being quite so selfish, self righteous - and aggressive. They say they may be interested in talking about other matters... but not until we make some progression these points.

Swimming with Dolphins

Dear Jonathan,
Your picture of the dolphins has brought back memories of a time when I went swimming with these creatures, soon after some emergency surgery. How I got in the water I shall never know, feeling so ill. There were six people and three dolphins. The dolphins were in charge and they decided who they would swim with, if anyone. One stared at me for so long I felt a tremor of fear, then suddenly everyone else was ignored, and all three devoted themselves to me. They knew I was ill and gave me all their attention to the annoyance of the others. I don’t know how much the dolphins at this facility resented being captive... but they made me feel wonderful.

Pole Shift comment

Dear Jonathan,
I am worried. People keep talking about some “dark planet” that causes a pole shift, once every 3,657 years. I am told that it is due to pass later this very month - creating tornados, earthquakes and volcanos. Please comment.
Dear Isla,
The main website on the topic explains that this warning comes from aliens. That, I think, tells us how seriously to take it. I have nothing against beings from other worlds but I am very suspicious of those that need the internet to communicate with us!
Mercury - Moon and Solar eclipses

Yesterday, those who used special glasses could see Mercury visible, for a while, as a small black dot against the Sun. That’s rare. So too, is the chance for some people, next week, to see the Moon eclipsed by the earth’s shadow as it passes through Scorpio. And there will be a Solar eclipse in Gemini at the end of May. It is as if we are all being invited to look afresh at familiar sights and situations. Exciting new possibilities are starting to arise.
Mercury in Retrograde and making decisions

“Dear Jonathan,
Why do big questions always seem to surface when Mercury is retrograde and we are not supposed to make decisions? And anyway... if I decide not to make a decision, I am making a decision. Aren’t I?”
Dear Amie,
Oh dear... did one of my deputies advise this while I was away? Er... I personally feel that when the communication planet moves backwards, it’s a GOOD time to make choices. It is just often difficult to implement or explain them till Mercury goes forward again. Which, incidentally, it does in about ten days.
Full Moon comment

Passions always run higher in the days just prior to a Full Moon. For many this is a time of tension. But the week should yet bring a lot of people much closer to a moment of fulfilment.

Happy Birthday!
Pierce Brosnan (Taurus born May 16, 1952) Taureans are tremendously trustworthy they are famous for their loyalty and dedication. Plus, of course, their ability to stay cool and calm, even in a crisis. Pierce Brosnan, who turns 51 on Friday, is typical of his sign in many respects. Like every good Taurean, his word is his bond.
Happy birthday also this week to: Today May 10; Bono (Paul Hewson) (43) and Linda Evangelista (38), Tomorrow May 11; Natasha Richardson (40), Monday May 12; Burt Bacharach (74), Susan Hampshire (65) and Steve Winwood (55), Tuesday May 13; Harvey Keitel (64) and Stevie Wonder (53), Wednesday May 14; Cate Blanchett (34) and David Byrne (51), Thursday May 15; Brian Eno, 55, Friday May 16; Janet Jackson (37) and Olga Korbut (48).


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