Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

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January 7th to 12th 2002

2002 Year Ahead predictions online

We are proud to announce your first set of in-depth predictions for 2002 are now available. At the top of the left hand frame you should see a link for "2002". If you can't see the link, please hit the load/refresh button on your browser, or click here. There will be more predictions for 2002 (on the topics of love, money and power) throughout the week. Don't forget, for further astrological insight you can now join our Real Zodiac Club - click on the Real Audio/Video link.

2002 look at Love

The in-depth predictions for 2002 have updated today with a look at LOVE. At the top of the left hand frame you should see a link for "2002". If you can't see the link, please hit the reload/refresh button on your browser, or click here. There will be more predictions on the topics of money and power) throughout the week. Meanwhile, thank you to everyone who has emailed about our new Real Zodiac Club. We're delighted to receive such positive feedback. To find out how you can listen to predictions each week and watch further predictions for 2002 - click on the Real Audio/Video link

2002 look at Money

The best things in life, so the songwriters would have us believe, are free. But sometimes it really is money that makes the world go round. So, is it your turn for a cash boost in the next 12 months? Will 2002 be the year you hit the big time or achieve financial security? Today, Jonathan takes a close look at YOUR financial prospects for the coming year. 2002 Year Ahead predictions - still to come tomorrow - POWER. At the top of the left hand frame you should see a link for "2002". If you can't see the link, please hit the reload/refresh button on your browser, or click here. If you'd like to know even more about 2002 the Real Zodiac Club will enable you to listen to Jonathan each and every week in Real Audio and watch the extra 2002 predictions in Real Video. Click on the Real Audio/Video link

Voice recognition software

I have typed so many words in the last few days that my fingers are now shorter than they used to be. I keep wondering if there is some other way to get words into a computer but, though I know the answer is supposed to be a "voice recognition" package, it just doesn't seem to work for me. Once a year or so, I dutifully obtain the latest, greatest product and plug it in, hopefully. I then spend hours, "training" the machine to recognise my voice. Still though, I end up with a screen full of gobbledyook. Only once did I get a system to half understand me. But even to make that work, I had to speak in an American accent. And then, I found, I just couldn't talk for laughing.

Wonderful Jupiter? Plus Astronews

Site update: Astro News includes Astrofact & Planet Watch... enjoy.

"Dear Jonathan, I am a Leo. You say in your year 2002 forecast that Jupiter will be wonderful for me when it turns up in my sign in August. But I notice that you also say it will be wonderful for my Cancerian friend because she's getting rid of it then! What's that about? Best wishes, Cheryl."
Dear Cheryl, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunity, "suits" some signs more than others. Cancerians, who by and large prefer to maintain the status quo and keep the comforts of the familiar around them, tend to feel challenged by Jupiter's disruptive influence - even though ultimately, it is very good for them. Leos, by contrast, are much more likely to warm immediately to the climate of adventure that this planet creates.

Match Made in Heaven - Kate Winslet & Sam Mendes

A Match Made in Heaven
Kate Winslet October 5, 1975 (Libra)
Sam Mendes August 1, 1965 (Leo)
Librans inspire great loyalty from Leos. Leos make Librans feel both excited and "wanted". It would seem on the surface as if Libran Kate has found the ideal man in Leo Sam. Things look a little different though, if we probe more deeply. As a Leo, Sam values commitment and consistency. As a Libran, Kate loves to be spontaneously idiosyncratic. Sam wants attention. Kate wants invention. Sam wants devotion. Kate wants emotion. This relationship always works well to begin with. But if Leo and Libra are to last together, Leos must learn to be less demanding and Librans, less antagonistic!


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