Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

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December 2nd to December 7th 2002

Solar eclipse

We wont be able to see this weeks Solar Eclipse from here, but we will feel its influence. Expect, for a short while, to fear that all is hopeless. Soon after this intense emotion has eased off, you should get a sense of deep reassurance. This won't free you from doubt forever - indeed, future uncertainties may well stem directly from the changes you go through this week but, temporarily at least, problems will start shrinking. And yes, I DO include YOU in this no matter what sign you are! Different people will feel this in different ways, at different times about different areas of life in the coming week. But pretty much all of us will encounter the eclipse effect.

Not a lot...

It's all happening in the sky this week. Or rather, it's all NOT happening. There's a new moon - or you can call it a no moon because it gives us nothing to see. As this particular new moon is creating a solar eclipse in some places, it is also giving us a no sun! On top of all this, Jupiter is beginning the annual optical illusion by which it appears to move backwards for a while. But unless you happen to be a fully trained astronomer using state of the art equipment, you won't see this, either! I suspect that all this very little adds up to a very big load of not a lot!
Chart offer

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Opposite signs

Dear Jonathan,
In the daily forecasts you often talk about planets moving through my ‘opposite sign’. But what is my opposite sign? Anne
Dear Anne,
When you trace out the months of the year on a circular calendar, you soon see that January is opposite July, and April is opposite October. The zodiac is also a circle. Think of ‘Zo’ or ‘zoo’ suggesting animals and ‘Dia’ or ‘dial’ suggesting a circle. On the ancient wheel of mythical creatures the bull lies opposite the eagle (or the scorpion). The crab lies opposite the sea-goat. The twins oppose the centaur, the fish oppose the harvest queen and the lion lies opposite the water bearer. Do these opposites attract – or repel? Soon I shall explain more.
Working on the Year Aheads plus JAstronews

I am now hard at work on a series of forecasts and predictions for 2003. I notice that a lot of celestial cycles are due to culminate over the next few months – and I suspect that as a result, we have many changes to look forward to. In order to give myself a little more time to mull over the meaning of these alignments, I am going to take a little time off next week. Your forecasts will be written, each day, by a selection of the world’s finest astrologers. Meanwhile, assuming you have not decided, in the interim, that you far prefer their work to mine, I shall be back with you here on this page, a week on Monday!
To read Bernard Fitzwalter's Astronews click here.
Venus and Mars plus Happy Birthdays

As Venus and Mars now stand together in the sky, they form an invisible right angle to Neptune. Weirdly, that makes it an equally great time for lovers, liars, believers and deceivers.

Happy Birthday!
Sagittarians have to be unconventional. They are also famous for their desire to do things ‘their way’. (Frank Sinatra was a prime example of this.) Sinead O’Connor, who turns 36 tomorrow, follows in this grand tradition and will continue to go from strength to strength. Happy birthday also to Kim Basinger, 49 tomorrow, Donny Osmond, 45 on Monday, Kenneth Branagh, 42 on Tuesday, Robert Lindsay, 53 next Friday.


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